Tristan Meecham
Tristan is on the Situate Assessment and Planning Panel, and will be joining the 2018 Arts Lab as a Provocateur
Tristan Meecham is an artist who facilitates creative frameworks that enables social transformation; connecting community, audience and artists together in events that transcend the everyday. He is the Director of All The Queens Men.
All The Queens Men create spectacular theatrical and participatory arts experiences. Established with Bec Reid, All The Queens Men champion social equality by providing creative opportunities for diverse members of society, celebrating ‘everyday experts’ in exciting and technically proficient art contexts. All The Queens Men mission is aligned to that of pioneering UK company Duckie who state –
… we believe that art and performance can be used as tools to bring about community solidarity, to make ordinary people happy and even for personal development and recovery for the most vulnerable amongst us. We use popular forms of entertainment, volunteer participation and the poetics of partying to make our shows accessible to communities that are marginalised from society.
Recent creative actions include; The Coming Back Out Ball, a spectacular social event held at the Melbourne Town Hall celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) elders; LGBTI Elders Dance Club, a monthly social event for LGBTI elders; Congress, a citizens’ assembly in which diverse community members collaborate with professional wordsmiths to create first speeches and personal visions for our collective future; and Fun Run, a riotous performance spectacle in Tristan runs a marathon on a treadmill live on stage supported by hundreds of performers from the local community.