Lynda Roberts is a socially engaged design and arts practitioner, interested in the creation of community spaces, cultural events and art installations within the public realm. Drawing on a background of architecture, festival production and community radio, Lyndaʼs practice strives to build upon the potential of a projectʼs existing conditions with an emphasis on collaborative processes and temporal outcomes.
Driven by a desire to enable others with skills and inspiration to creatively engage with their immediate environment Lynda develops frameworks and spatial conditions to support creative thinking through action. As an artist provocateur for a range of national interdisciplinary art laboratories, Lynda has continued this line of enquiry through – Artist Wants a Life, Alice Springs (2012), Encounter(s) Theatreworks (2012), Splendid Lab (20010/11) and Underbelly Arts (2011).

Lynda is currently engaged in the delivery of academic subjects and art programs within RMIT University, Melbourne with Public Assembly acting simultaneously as a collaborative arts laboratory. Public Assembly has developed hands-on workshops for young people for SIGNAL (2010/11) and Melbourne City Library (2011) and co-facilitated workSHOP a public art and design incubator for RMIT students within Melbourne Central Shopping Centre (2010). Public Assembly has been commissioned to create temporary site-specific installations for local governments (Moreland, Geelong and Dandenong City Councils), independent curators (Wired Lab, Seven Thousand Oaks Festival), presented works at a range of festivals, most recently Kumuwuki: National Regional Arts Conference (2012) and Sculpture by the Sea (2012) as well as manage the arts and décor for The Great Escape Festival (2006/07) and Cockatoo Island Festival (2005) in Sydney.